Why Summer is a Great Time to Install Solar?
The summer season is just around the corner. The electricity bills will be on a great rise due to the excessive use of high-consumption appliances like refrigerators and ACs. Summer is a season where most of the children are at home and need to use more electrical appliances. The reason why summer is a great time to install Solar is the great availability of sunlight all day long. The intensity of the sunlight and the lack of clouds help generate more and more solar electricity for your home and help you reduce your electricity expenses drastically.
Solar power is beneficial for your pocket and helps the environment greatly by reducing the use of water, coal, and fuel in the generation of electricity. Solar power also ensures that the power grid gets less vulnerable to blackouts as the power can be uniformly spread among power plants around the territory. Around 3 to 4% of energy gets lost during the transport of electricity. Solar energy is available everywhere and does not need anything other than the solar panels and the setup to provide power. Solar energy is the most sustainable way of generating electricity.
Now that we know what the benefits of solar electricity are let us proceed to the reasons why Summer is a Great Time to Install Solar.
Longer daylight availability
Studies show that sunlight is available for around 13 hours during summers, whereas, in spring, it is available for 11 hours and 7 hours in winter. A survey records that most users claim to have an 80% power loss in winters. Summers lead to a great amount of power generation. Solar energy can even be preserved for further use in forthcoming seasons if the grid is integrated with a central grid.
Hassle-free installation
Bad weather can destroy many of your plans. During the summer, there is hardly a possibility of windstorms, rain, snowfall, and fog. These bad weather conditions can cause a delay in the installation, and you might even end up not getting them installed.
Clear skies
During summers, there is a better chance of having clearer skies. Clearer skies mean more power generation and better voltage output. It is not that solar panels don’t generate power during cloudy weather, but that power is greatly reduced due to less intense sunlight.
Saves more money
The electricity consumption rises drastically during the summer season. You get to use a lot of appliances, including fans, air conditioners, refrigerators. During summer, people also stay indoors during the larger part of the day, leading to increased use of electricity. Installation of solar panels during summers can help you to reduce your monthly electricity bills greatly. Many households even generate enough amount of electricity to null the electricity bills.
Better incentives
Most governments understand that the generation of solar energy largely increases during the summer. So they want more and more people to install solar panels in their homes to fulfill their environmental protection objectives. To achieve that, the government provides incentives and subsidies for installing solar panels. These subsidies greatly reduce the cost of installation.
Reduces carbon emissions
The increased dependency on cooling appliances during the summer season increases the global carbon emissions by terrible levels and harms the environment. Solar panels help to reduce the carbon footprints generated by the no sustainable ways of power generation like hydroelectricity and coal power. Hydroelectricity pollutes the water, and the burning of coal to generate electricity releases a huge amount of smoke into the atmosphere.
Fewer power cuts
To prevent overuse of electricity, boards often cut the power for sometimes which in winters can be a huge inconvenience. Power cuts can be avoided by installing an independent solar power plant at home.
The bottom line
Solar energy stands for sustainability. By using solar energy, you can help save the planet from the harmful effects of global warming and climate change. Solar energy is being largely adopted all over the world due to its long-lasting benefits. The life of solar panels is long, and once you invest in them, you will only end up with great profits.